Blockchain in Real Life: Exploring the Future of Technology at Marmara University
Revolutionizing the on campus shopping experiences with MCL
On May 13th, 2024, Marmara University Mehmet Genç Campus Conference Hall in İstanbul, hosted a workshop themed "Blockchain in Real World" in collaboration with our Marmara Credit Loops (MCL) initiative and the Kriptrade exchange. This event brought together distinguished guests from academia, industry, and civil society.

The program commenced with an opening speech by esteemed professor and former rector and dean, Prof. Dr. Oğuz Borat from Istanbul Commerce University, sharing his evaluations on the revolution of technologies in the world followed by the speech delivered by Kriptrade CEO Savaş Divanlıoğlu, and Researcher and Author Hamza Yardımcıoğlu presenting pioneering topics with paradigm-shifting perspectives on blockchain technologies.

The workshop continued with the participation of Ümran Demirel, Deputy General Manager of R&D at Teknopark Istanbul, and İlhan Arslan, General Manager of Marmara University Technopark. Lawyer Elçin Karatay from Solak & Partners and Lawyer Melda Şener from Tevetoğlu Legal Firm addressed the current legal issues and perspectives related to the anticipated laws and regulations within the framework of blockchain technologies.

The afternoon session commenced with a panel discussion titled "Blockchain in Real World", moderated by Researcher and Author Hamza Yardımcıoğlu, featured distinguished guests including Prof. Dr. B. Gültekin Çetiner, the founder of Marmara Blockchain, Prof. Dr. Engin Sorhun from the Faculty of Economics at Marmara University, Prof. Dr. Özlem Şenvar from the Department of Industrial Engineering at Marmara University, and Emre Yetişkin, the CEO of WhiteBIT Turkey. The panelists shared their insights on the significance and practical real applications of blockchain technology, following the moderation of the session by Researcher and Author Hamza Yardımcıoğlu.

Moderated by Prof. Dr. B. Gültekin Çetiner, the Head of the Department of Industrial Engineering at Marmara University, the "Blockchain for Entrepreneurs" panel commenced with Ahmet Kerim Nalbant, the Incubation Center Manager at Teknopark Istanbul, who discussed the importance of entrepreneurship and Teknopark Istanbul's activities in the startup ecosystem. In the panel, Tansel Akgül, the founder of Arvis Technology, and Ahmet Kavi, the founder of Otokav Software, provided insights on the role of blockchain and artificial intelligence in startups and potential projects. Additionally, Abdülkadir Yılmaz from the Marmara Blockchain Team and Fatih Boyalı, Software Test Specialist from ZincirTech Inc., answered questions regarding their projects.

The event featured live demonstrations of MCL blockchain technology, various startup collaborations, panel discussions, and extensive networking opportunities. There was a significant interest in the 25% discounted physical gold sales conducted through the zero-commision based Zincir Market, a startup based on Marmara Blockchain at Teknopark Istanbul. On the day of event, upon the announcement of a 50-gram gold bar sale via MCL with a 25% discount for the 100th Zincir Market app member, visitors competed each other to win the eligibility and formed long lines in front of the Zincir Market help desk and jewelry stand. Visitors who acquired MCL from Kriptrade Exchange, downloaded the Zincir market mobile application to explore the limitless possibilities of blockchain technology and shop on the Marmara University campus using MCL Coin.

In the foyer, the marketplace established by entrepreneurs enabled visitors to purchase various products, including food, beverages, cosmetics, textiles, and accessories, with MCL Coin. To transform the shopping experience on campus and encourage the use of cryptocurrencies in daily life, 100,000 MCL were distributed to students from the MCL student scholarship fund. Students enjoyed the experience of shopping with cryptocurrency in the foyer using the MCL coins distributed via the Zincir Market mobile application. Additionally, a help desk setup by volunteer notaries served throughout the day in the foyer for visitors interested in learning about staking MCL on their computers.
Metcalfe's Law: The Power of Connection
Power of Networks